Is it too early? Quack seems so appropriate.
Is it too early? Quack seems so appropriate.
The cardboard cutout fans at baseball games are kinda creepy, but this….is really disturbing.
From “Only I can fix it” to “I take no responsibility” and now “It is what it is” in less than four years.
The Republican Party has been doing this well before trump, add him to the mix and it’s a whole new level of corruption. The only solution at this point is to vote, vote, vote in numbers to massive to manipulate.
Rep Louie Gohmert is known as the stupidest Congressman, today he tested positive for COVID-19 before boarding Air Force One to accompany trump to Texas for a campaign event. He has steadfastly refused to mask up and has now put countless others on Capital Hill at risk because of his stupidity.
Don’t be a Gohmert.
On the 100 day mark to the presidential election, a large section of trump’s ego wall came tumbling down.
At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if Mexico builds the wall to keep Americans out.
100 days…
Flip the Senate and hold the House. Let’s do this. Vote!
Signed and numbered prints available http://repeat1968.com/orderprints/
Too dangerous to have the GOP Convention, yet schools must open.
The New Season of The Coronavirus Briefings is already a dismal failure. Low energy monotone badly read alternative facts makes bad ratings.
Go ahead try and vote by mail…
As we approach 100 days to the election, the Radical Right will do everything they can to interfere, because that is the only way they can win. Buckle up.
Prints available of this or any other of your favorite repeat1968 art. http://repeat1968.com/orderprints/
The latest product endorsement from the White House.
Prints of this and/or your favorite repeat1968 art available http://repeat1968.com/orderprints/ Donations accepted too!