With the passing of another Comedic Genius (Carl Reiner) who despised trump and the panicked GOP trying to scare voters…

I think Groucho would approve of this message.
With the passing of another Comedic Genius (Carl Reiner) who despised trump and the panicked GOP trying to scare voters…
I think Groucho would approve of this message.
That pesky Coronavirus seems to be dragging donald down. The King of Ventilators has a huge problem that won’t disappear just by ignoring it. Needless suffering and death are directly related to the total ineptness of this Administration. The Ball & Chain is forever.
I was saving this one for when trump was going to address the nation about the unrest. Stephen Miller was supposedly writing the speech, but for whatever reason, they decided to double down and push LAW & ORDER as a solution. Again, repeat 1968, George Wallace made that one of his top campaign issues to try and win the southern vote.
This Civil War is about incivility. They’re going to lose again.
Saturday’s late night walk was the precursor of The Walk. The Big Walk. The Finale Walk. The Last Walk. The Worst President Ever Walk. The Obama Didn’t Walk Like That Walk. The One Term Walk. Vote!
The Trump Rally in Oklahoma was the kickoff of trump’s 2020 re-election campaign. Advance staffers testing positive for the Coronavirus, dismal attendance, cancelling the overflow speech (because there was no overflow), low energy, on and on. But, the thing that captured my attention the most was this…
Trump spent roughly one third of his speech justifying his West Point fiasco. Tried explain why he couldn’t walk down a ramp normally and why he had trouble drinking out of a cup. Excruciating long diatribe against the media and public for imagining he is not well. That he felt this was a priority in launching his 2020 campaign pretty much confirmed he is not well.
Over the next few months, on occasion, I plan to pay tribute to the Editorial Cartoonists of yesterday by recreating their work from 1968. It’s uncanny how the issues from then are still relevant today. Herblock was one of the greats, as a kid I remember not only devouring the daily comics, but being fascinated by the editorial cartoons too.
Fast forward to 2020 as we repeat 1968. Trump thumbing his nose at law and order while claiming to be the law and order candidate.
Starting to wonder if I‘m one of the few people on the planet who trump hasn’t made sign a Non Disclosure Agreement. Trump is apparently suing his Niece for violating hers and prevent her tell-all book from being published.
The House Judiciary Committee announced hearings next Wednesday into Bill Barr’s politicization of the DOJ. Subpoenas have gone out. No doubt the “most transparent administration in history” will do all it can to block the testimony of career Department of Justice lawyers.
Prints of this and all of my art is now available, click on Order Prints in the Menu for details.
Ted Cruz trying to get 70 year old actor Ron Perlman to wrestle Jim Jordan because he was mean to Matt Gaetz is apparently how Republicans choose to deal with the multiple crises facing the country.